Our academic calendar for the 2024-2025 school year has been completed. View the 2024-25 School Calendar.
For the latest news for parents, check out our Parent Newsletter.
Bear Creek Academy is a private special education day school for students ages 11- 18 with learning and emotional disabilities. Our curriculum combines the general education courses required by the state for each grade level with a variety of engaging electives, community enrichment projects, and socio-emotional growth activities designed to help our students achieve academic and emotional success. When learning is interactive and provides opportunities for personal growth, students become invested in their personal education and in turn begin to take ownership of their future.
Each classroom is staffed with an instructional teacher and a therapeutic advocate/teacher's aide. The daily classes will be in a small group setting, no more than 8 students per class, and provide students with needed accommodations and attention to meet their academic goals with success. The goal of the classroom is to provide students with a comfortable, safe environment for learning. Our small class sizes and in-school counseling interventions focus on helping our students learn social and emotional coping skills that they can utilize to learn more efficiently and to support their own personal growth.
In addition to our traditional academic classes, our teachers and therapeutic advocates engage in individualized and personalized instruction that utilizes diverse methods in environments beyond the classroom, from service learning opportunities within the community to powerful experiential outdoor adventures.
We are proud to be located in the Cumberland County Community Center, near the intersection of Route 45 and Highway 60. Our location in the heart of the county means that Cumberland, Buckingham, Prince Edward, and Powhatan counties now have affordable local access to private special education day school services. We believe that as a locally owned, community-based school we can effectively meet the educational, cultural, and economic needs of our community.
Copyright ©2008-2025 Bear Creek Academy, Inc.